Monday, April 20, 2009

if you're Republican, Democracy = tyranny

I have lost all the patience and motivation to debate or argue with Republicans, for the simple reason that they have proven over and over that they are just complete fucking imbeciles.

As their idiotic "tea party" protests made abundantly clear, Republicans firmly believe that "tyranny" is defined as "losing a fair and open democratic election."  Of course, having the guy they voted for make torture legal, proudly break laws and illegally wiretap people, lock up anyone including American citizens without any legal process or charges, and so on - that's not "tyrrany" because it's the guy they voted for, get it?

No, for Republicans, "democracy" means they get to win elections regardless of how people "vote."  "Supporting the Constitution" means their guy not supporting it.  "Shredding the Constitution" means the other guy supporting it.  "Supporting the President" means supporting the President they voted for and calling the guy they didn't' vote for Hitler and a Socialist. "Patriotism" means anyone who doesn't agree with their guy must leave the  country, but when it's someone else they immediately want to secede or have a revolution.

I think it's honestly time to start sterilizing these people.