Thursday, March 19, 2009

I "went Galt" before anybody!

All the cool rightwing kids who don't understand how the income tax system works (among many other things) have been hollering that in response to Obama letting Bush's tax cuts for the over $250,000 income crowd lapse, they are going to "go Galt," i.e. remove their amazingly productive and necessary selves from the market and watch from their private island as all the remaining useless peons collapse in despair and poverty without their contributions (and tax dollars).  It's like the Rapture for Free Market Selfishness Zealots who never outgrew 9th grade and still think Ayn Rand is totally cool.

It's easy enough to mock these idiots - as in, "what necessary and productive contributions have you been making to society that we will miss, exactly?"  Or, in the case of professional lying sack of crap pundits like Malkin, Coulter, LImbaugh, O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, etc., "yes, please do actually stop and go away instead of just saying you will, and good riddance."  Or, to get into "facts," which they never would, "you morons don't understand that all the money you make up to the 250,000th taxable dollar will be taxed at the exact same rate it is now, and each dollar above that line will only be taxed like 3% more, so cutting back your work to make less than $250,000 to avoid the slight increase to that top marginal bracket is like shooting yourself in the head to rid of your hay fever."

Others have made these points, and that's great.  Me, I have another thing to say to these tools:  I DID IT FIRST!!!!!  NAH NAH NEE BOO BOO!!!!!

Just about a year ago, I quit a high-paying legal job - one that had me in the sights of Obama's "Socialist" 3% marginal top bracket increase - moved to an island (technically, Amsterdam is many islands) and now work much less.  The IRS will get much less from me now, if anything, and the United States of Worthless Parasites Desperately in Need of My Unique Contributions To Business can wail in horror and anguish all they want, to no avail.  My awesome services are no longer supporting your Socialist parasite lives!  I'm through helping you people!  Countdown to total economic collapse has already started!

Of course, I think someone took over my job about three minutes after I hauled my box of crap and tastefully framed diplomas out of the building, but never mind:

I was there first!  And unlike the yammering wingnut hordes, I actually went through with it.

Suck on that, Glenn Beck and Michelle Malkin.

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